Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Could you come into the bosses office please?

Employee appraisals, no one likes them. Mine always go along the lines of 'Could you laugh a bit less and work a bit more?' I have tried to make the argument in such settings (yes, with a straight face) that laughter is good for morale and therefore increases productivity across the board. Honest, that is true, it has been proven. To which one particular boss, quick on his feet, did snap back 'It's lucky you make a good cup of tea young lady, kettle now.'  When he said 'young lady' what he really meant was 'jail bait' because I have always looked a lot younger than I actually am. I smiled back with the most wicked seductive smile you can imagine, voice an octave or so lower and said 'Everybody is good at something, I'll just get your tea.' As I walked away I was thinking to myself  yes, yes you can watch my arse as it wiggles out of your office, as long as you keep paying me for predominately having a laugh we will all be happy bunnies.  

Given that I get mixed reviews during employee appraisals, when my research partner in sexual misconduct suggested that it might be fun if he played boss to my temp I was a little unsure. No one enjoys evaluation... or so I thought. Still my research partner is the type of person whose ideas you will entertain, who you will follow... but only out of curiosity!

Anyway what unfolded was completely unexpected, fucking raw, dirty, horny as all hell, best by a clear country mile phone sex we have ever had. When I returned to planet earth, reacquainted myself with my surroundings, yep, still got two arms, two legs, those fingers are mine, noticed that the cat was giving me funny looks, I did begin to try and break down what actually made it all so damn good. Now I have two theories. The first could be that, as a rule, I like to call the shots sexually. I do like to be in control, to do undressing, control the pace, they are getting their orgasms- but only when I say type of thing. 

During last nights phone sex adventures I was not the dominant person at the party, probably for the first time in my life. I made like a good temp and did exactly and only as told. Layers of clothing were only removed at the bosses discretion. I only touched myself when I had his permission, the toys appeared simply because the boss made it clear he wanted to see his employee perform. God, it was wet when I think about it, horny. I have resolved to submit more often.

Now for my second theory as to why it was so damn hot. I changed my batteries in my vibrator and, in all sincerity, my pussy thanks you Sony. Fucking hell it makes a difference. Those new batteries for my vibrator are the equivalent of Viagra for a geriatric. Indeed I can't wait for my very new toy to arrive. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful Pabo for the knickers you sent me, they are black, lacy, a size 8, you remembered! They are generally pretty damn lovely but please can I have my new toy? Please! Pretty please!! Its been weeks since I first asked you, a girl's got needs!



Anonymous said...

Just read this, come and work for me... lol.
Wish the temps in my office would be so obliging.

Anonymous said...

Come on if temps really did that productivity would be down.

Anonymous said...

I don't really think that is the point do you?

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