Saturday, 7 August 2010

Dirty Weekend

I haven't been online much in the last few days as I've been catching up on sleep as and when it has been possible. The friend I mentioned who is helping me perfect all the naughty sex chat I want to offer has an even wackier sleep pattern than I do. This is due to his job in the army so when it's practice time I need to be awake... thank god for Kenco and a steady supply of Marlboro lights.

I'd like to say its a tough gig, that lack of sleep is getting to me but I am enjoying every second of this adventure. I don't think phone sex is something you could engage in as a profession if you were not passionate about all things sexual and were not a naughty minx by nature. What has surprised me is that it's kind of providing a creative outlet for me, an opportunity to be imaginative. It is deeply satisfying turning someone on to the point where they cannot help but to come without ever touching them or have them touch or see you. It does just go to show that the most powerful sexual organ is the brain.


Velvet Touch. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino