Sunday, 29 August 2010

Cadet Bonetti reporting for duty Sir !!

I would like to say, given my research partners job in the army that this mornings role play session was all his idea. But no, no, it wasn't it was all mine. Some hard as fuck girls in the windy wilds of wherever inspired this particular scenario.

I reported for duty, stood to attention and waited for my dressing down. I was told my hair was simply not neat enough, not per regulation guidelines so it had to be shaken free, let loose from its unimpressive bun. My shoes, I was told, had clearly not seen polish in recent times and I was really going to have to do something about that. Indeed, as there were no polishing rags to hand I would just have to improvise with my knickers, which once removed, wet with pussy juice could be used to apply something approaching a shine on those toes that were not twinkling. As for my uniform 'had I met an iron? Would I like an introduction?'It was so piss poor that it would simply have to come off... slowly and don't forget the bra, call that white, clearly you need introducing to a washing machine as well.

Naked cadet Bonetti was feeling quite sheepish at this point, seemingly there was nothing she could do right. However things picked up when she moved onto weapons training, Cadet Bonetti found that she had numerous hidden and inventive talents when it came to handling a rifle. In fact she had polished the rifle by hand, like the shoes, remembering to put a layer of polish on and then take it off over and over and over again, long hard licks with her tongue, careful not to neglect the ammunition carriages with her fingers and mouth.  She remembered her training, that a gun is, after all, only as good as what it is firing and scored points for incorporating that. Things definitely improved when she got complimented on how well her mouth and hands had become acquainted with her weapon and she sucked her way to promotion.(I am sure she is not the first.)

No longer a cadet but a private it was time for her to play with her privates. After all those shoes were still no where near good enough to be seen on god's acre (the parade ground) and without polish to hand hot wet pussy juice would just have to do. Indeed I would have to play long and hard with myself, really show that superior officer, if he was still in any doubt at this stage, that there was something I could do ... and well. I rubbed intensely back and forth and pressed my toy hard against my clit, increasing the speed steadily. Private Bonetti's pussy ached, desperate for her toy to be plunged deep deep inside her, to feel it pounding her back and forth. But no, not yet, 'Your a horny bitch aren't you Bonetti?' he asked ' Yes Sir, fuck me, Jesus fuck Christ, oh my God yes, yes , yes I am Sir' she replied.  And wet she got, dripping and soaked through, feeling it glisten on her thighs and through her fingers tips which was a good job too. She had to or she would never have got wet enough to give those shoes the shine required.  She didn't want to get kicked out after all, these dressing downs are far too much fun.

By the end of duty Cadet Bonetti felt safe in saying to herself that her position was secure for the moment at least. Although she was told that her progress would be monitored closely and that there would have to be many more such inspections.  She was sure, with the feel of her juice fresh on her Superior's fingers and her taste still on his tongue that they would be seeing much much more of each other. I swear its enough to make a girl join up or is that just jump on?

For those girls I mentioned earlier I have been thinking about you and the perfect song sprang to mind. As for the boys 'How can you trust something that bleeds once a month and does not die? That's older than I am, I think you need some new material.

This is the song, please sing it girls !! 


Velvet Touch. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino